Research for industry use cases of Jenkins and how it works.

Sonam Kumari Singh
3 min readJul 31, 2023



Jenkins is an open-source automation server that streamlines software development by automating building, testing, and deployment processes, enabling continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Based on Java, it offers versatility in installation, supporting native packages, Docker containers, and standalone setups with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Operating as a server-based system within servlet containers like Apache Tomcat, Jenkins facilitates collaboration among users. It seamlessly integrates with version control tools, like CVS and Git, triggering automated builds on code changes for faster feedback. Jenkins supports popular build tools, such as Apache Ant and Maven, while also allowing execution of custom Shell scripts and Windows batch commands. Its extensibility is a highlight, with a wide range of plugins available for integrating various tools and technologies.

Following are the industry use cases of Jenkins :

  1. Software Development and IT Services: Jenkins is extensively used in the software development and IT services industry for implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. It automates the process of building, testing, and deploying software applications, enabling teams to deliver high-quality code quickly and efficiently. Jenkins’ ability to integrate with version control systems like Git and its vast library of plugins make it a valuable tool for agile development teams.
  2. DevOps and Cloud Services: In the DevOps space, Jenkins serves as the central automation hub, enabling seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. It plays a crucial role in automating the deployment of applications to cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Jenkins pipelines facilitate infrastructure as code (IaC) and scalable application deployment in cloud environments.
  3. E-commerce and Online Retail: E-commerce companies utilize Jenkins to automate the build and deployment of web applications, mobile apps, and backend services. Jenkins pipelines ensure rapid integration of new features and bug fixes, enabling online retailers to deliver a seamless shopping experience to their customers. The ability to automate repetitive tasks and provide continuous delivery supports agile practices in the e-commerce sector.
  4. Gaming and Entertainment: In the gaming and entertainment industry, Jenkins is employed to automate testing, building, and deployment processes for gaming applications and software components. With Jenkins pipelines, game development studios can continuously iterate on their games, delivering frequent updates and enhancements to players.
  5. Finance and Banking: Jenkins finds applications in the finance and banking sector to facilitate automated testing and deployment of financial applications. It ensures that critical financial systems and applications are tested thoroughly and released without errors, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations in the financial industry.
  6. Healthcare and Life Sciences: In the healthcare and life sciences sector, Jenkins assists in automating the build and deployment of medical applications, data analysis tools, and research software. This automation aids in faster development cycles, regulatory compliance, and delivering reliable healthcare solutions.
  7. Education and E-learning: In the education industry, Jenkins is used to automate the deployment of e-learning platforms, educational software, and learning management systems. Jenkins pipelines streamline the delivery of educational content and updates, ensuring seamless access to learning resources for students and educators.
  8. Media and Broadcasting: Media and broadcasting companies leverage Jenkins to automate their content delivery processes. Jenkins pipelines facilitate the deployment of multimedia content to various platforms, ensuring timely updates and seamless content delivery to audiences.


The versatility and flexibility of Jenkins have made it a preferred automation tool in various industries. Its applications range from software development and DevOps to e-commerce, gaming, finance, healthcare, education, and media. Jenkins’ ability to automate tasks, integrate with various tools, and support continuous integration and delivery makes it an invaluable asset for organizations seeking to optimize their development and deployment workflows across diverse industries.

Thank you !!💕



Sonam Kumari Singh

SONAM here! Grateful for your connection! Tech enthusiast exploring new languages, deep into DevOps, with a spotlight on Linux. 😊🚀