How to configure an yum repo with RedHat DVD ISO?
It is a command-line package manager / package management tool for a RedHat package manager( RPM ) based Linux Systems, Such as RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and Oracle Linux.
It stands for “Yellowdog Updater, Modified” and was originally developed by Yellowdog Linux as a way to easily manage packages on their distribution( comes from the process of sharing Linux-based OSes with other users, also known as “distributing” since the kernel and the OS are generally free ).
Let’s try to configured YUM in manually configuration
Step 1. Open a Terminal and Go to the given PATH
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
Step 2. Write a code before we must check, ISO file attach to the VM if yes /no
Step 3. your dvd iso can be seen at /dev directory with file name “sr0" to read all the contant we need to mount at any folder.
# mkdir /dvd/
# mount /dev/sr0 /dvd/
Step 4. We create a yum Repository Configuration file with extention as “.repo”
# vi sonam.repo
# It is repo name
[dvd]# this is baseurl for the rhel disk file
baseurl=file:///dvd/AppStream# this is to allow installation without any security check and delays
you can list all the packages with “yum repolist” command
Thank You !!💕